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Nicole Iordache presented her undergraduate research project at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (CACBT) in Toronto!

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Aiden Mehak, Ege Bicaker, Vittoria Trolio, and Laura Lapadat all presented their research at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) in New York! 

Huge congratulations to our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Samantha Wilson, who will be starting as an assistant professor in the Clinical Psychology department at the University of Saskatchewan this spring!

Dr. Racine, Alexia Miller, Vittoria Trolio, and Laura Lapadat presented their research at the Eating Disorders Research Society (EDRS) conference in Boston!

Dr. Racine, Samantha Wilson, and Lisa Zhu presented their research at the International Conference on Eating Disorders in Washington DC!

Talia Schroeder is the new research coordinator!

Congratulations to Lisa Zhu for her acceptance into the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Western University!

Congratulations to Vittoria Trolio for her acceptance into the Eating Disorders Summer Research Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital's Eating Disorder Clinical and Research Program! 

Huge congratulations to Dr. Sarah Schell for passing her dissertation defense!

Laura Lapadat began as a graduate student in the lab!

Lisa Zhu is the new research coordinator!

Vittoria Trolio began as a graduate student in the lab! 

Chloe White is the new research coordinator! 

Exciting news! Dr. Racine and her family welcomed their beautiful daughter Margot!

Exciting news! Huge congratulations to our postdoctoral fellow Dr. Samantha Wilson and her family on welcoming a beautiful baby girl, Eleanor Rose! The lab is thrilled to have an adorable new member. 

Congratulations to Sarah Schell and collaborators Iulia Banica, Dr. Anna Weinberg, and Dr. Racine, who investigated associations between behavioral responses to social threat and core ED symptoms using a behavioral paradigm. Their findings have been published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders!

Vittoria Trolio, Aiden Mehak, Sarah Schell, and Dr. Racine were the first to investigate and incorporate 'feeling fat' into the interpersonal psychotherapy model of eating disorders using a serial-mediation approach. Their findings were accepted for publication in Appetite! Congratulations!

Congratulations to Aiden Mehak for receiving a federal CIHR Doctoral Award and to Alexia Miller for receiving a federal SSHRC Doctoral Award!

Congratulations to Vittoria Trolio for her acceptance to McGill University's Clinical Psychology Graduate Program and her federal SSHRC (Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's Program) funding award! We look forward to having her stay on our team!

Exciting news! Dr. Racine was promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and was awarded tenure! Congratulations,
Dr. Racine!

Congratulations to Aiden Mehak for her accepted submission to the International Journal of Eating Disorder's "An Idea Worth Researching"! Aiden calls for the need of greater empirical research and multi-method measurements for the subjective experience of 'feeling fat', and describes the importance of doing so for advancing research of eating pathology.

Several of our lab members (including our post-doctoral fellow, graduate students, and undergraduate students) will be presenting PDFs of their posters (and a symposium presentation) VIRTUALLY at the CPA 2020 Annual National Convention! Go team!

Dr. Racine, Sarah Schell and collaborator Kelsey Hagan were the first to uncover the latent structure of nonhomeostatic eating! Their findings have just been published in Psychological Assessment! Congratulations!

Sarah Schell, alum Sarah Brassard, and Dr. Racine examined how high risk personality traits are indirectly associated with binge eating via learned expectancies about the outcome of eating. Their findings have just been published in Appetite! Congratulations! 

Exciting news! Huge congratulations to Dr. Racine and her family on the birth of the beautiful and healthy Lucy Elinor! Welcome to the world, Lucy!


Congratulations to Alexia Miller for her acceptance to McGill University's Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, her federal SSHRC (Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's Program) funding award, and provincial FRQSC (Bourse de maîtrise en recherche) funding award! We're so happy to have her stay on our team!

Samantha Wilson was awarded the FRQS postdoctoral award! Congratulations, Samantha!

Congratulations to Amané Asakawa-Halicki and Joyce Quansah for presenting their research projects at McGill University's Psychology Undergraduate Research Day!


Dr. Racine, Sarah Schell, Aiden Mehak, Alexia Miller, and Léah Suissa-Rocheleau presented posters of their research at the International Conference for Eating Disorders in New York City, USA this past week! 


Doosik Shin was awarded the Science Undergraduate Research Award, congratulations, Doosik!

Learn more about our current research by watching this video created by RA Alice Luo!

Dr. Racine and alum Sarah Brassard examined effort expenditure for food in relation to binge eating and their findings have just been published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders! Congratulations, Dr. Racine and Sarah!

Congratulations to Amané Asakawa for receiving the Psychology Undergraduate Research Award! 

Congratulations to Alexia Miller for receiving the Psi Chi Summer Undergraduate Research Grant! 

Léah Suissa-Rocheleau was awarded the Judith Mappin Award for Research in Women's Health. Congratulations, Léah! 

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Dr. Sarah Racine was awarded the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Santé Junior 1 Research Scholar grant. Congratulations, Dr. Racine! 

This funding program is designed to facilitate the recruitment of qualified researchers seeking to begin or continue a career as an independent researcher in human health 

Chloé Savignac was awarded the Science Undergraduate Research Award- Damani-Khoja. Congratulations, Chloé! 

We are excited to welcome Alexia Miller to our team, as the Part-Time Research Coordinator for our new study entitled "Testing a Reward Processing Model of Negative Urgency in Individuals with Binge Eating" funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 

Congratulations to Dr. Racine for receiving the Association for Psychological Science Rising Star Award 2017!


The APS Rising Star Award acknowledges researchers who have made outstanding contributions to their field and indicates exciting potential for future contributions.

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